Irrigation laterals transport irrigation return flow, including water, sediment, and dissolved nutrients, such as phosphorus (P), back to surface water bodies. Phosphorus transformations during transport can affect both P bioavailability and the best management practices selected to minimize P inputs to waters of the United States. The objective of this study was to determine P retention in three irrigation laterals. Soluble reactive P (SRP) concentrations in lateral waters were increased from 0.08 to 0.25 mg L -1 (0.08 to 0.25 ppm) by constantly injecting a phosphate (PO 4 ) solution for 2.5 hours. Bromide (Br) was used as a conservative tracer to determine dilution effects. Water was sampled at 10-minute intervals, beginning 30 minutes prior to injection and 120 minutes following injection, at one upstream location and various downstream locations to approximately 1,550 m (~1 mi) from injection sites. When at steady state, SRP concentrations only decreased by 5% over the lengths studied, equating to P uptake lengths of over 18 km (11.2 mi), which was one to two orders of magnitude greater than natural streams; the linear SRP uptake rate was 0.011 mg L -1 km -1 (0.018 ppm mi -1). Longer P uptake lengths and lower uptake rates in irrigation laterals, as compared to natural streams, may be due to the elevated sediment equilibrium P concentration, greater water velocities, and removal of vegetation causing a reduction in frictional resistance. Reducing water velocities should optimize irrigation lateral conditions to reduce uptake length and maximize P uptake.
Key words: coulee-irrigation lateral-retention-soluble reactive phosphorus-transportAquatic resources in the United States are among its most valuable assets, yet approximately 40% of assessed stream miles, 45% of assessed lake acres, and 50% of assessed estuary acres are impaired (USEPA 2003). The transport of excess nutrients is one of the leading causes of waterway impairment (USEPA 2003). In particular, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) transport in aquatic systems is of interest because phosphorus (P) is commonly regarded as the limiting nutrient governing primary production in fresh water systems (Foy 2005). Specifically, P transport in return-flow irrigation laterals may be a significant P source to river systems such as the Snake River in Idaho. Thus, determining and understanding the uptake distance SRP travels prior to being removed from solution during source-tosink water movement could help identify whether current regional soil and water management strategies are having as significant of an impact on water quality improvement as intended.Soluble reactive P travel distance during water transport can be quantified in terms of P spiraling length, or the distance SRP travels as it cycles through dissolved to particulate (organic or inorganic forms) and back to the dissolved state (Davis and Minshall 1999). Total spiraling length is the sum of uptake length (distance traveled in the dissolved form) and turnover length (distance traveled in...