) have correlated this increase in Ca 2؉ dissociation with a reduced Ca 2؉ sensitivity of force development and a faster rate of cardiac muscle relaxation in a PKA phosphorylated skinned cardiac muscle preparation. To further determine the role of the two PKA phosphorylation sites in mouse CTnI (serine 22 and 23), serine 22 or 23, or both were mutated to alanine. The wild type and the mutated CTnIs were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Using these mutants, it was found that serine 23 was phosphorylated more rapidly than serine 22 and that both serines are required to be phosphorylated in order to observe the characteristic reduction in the Ca 2؉ sensitivity of force development seen in a skinned cardiac muscle preparation. The latter result confirms that PKA phosphorylation of CTnI, and not other proteins, is responsible for this change in Ca 2؉ sensitivity. The results also suggest that one of the serines (23) may be constitutively phosphorylated and that serine 22 may be functionally more important.Several lines of evidence have led to a general understanding of how -agonist stimulation leads to positive inotropic and chronotropic effects by phosphorylation of cellular substrates through cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) 1 (1, 2). It is generally agreed that phosphorylation of sarcolemmal Ca 2ϩ channels (3) and phospholamban (4, 5), a sarcoplasmic reticular protein regulating the Ca 2ϩ pump, are responsible for the changes seen in the intracellular Ca 2ϩ transient. The resulting increases in intracellular Ca 2ϩ and the rate of Ca 2ϩ resequestration contribute to an increase in cardiac muscle contractility and to faster rates of force development and relaxation. PKA can also phosphorylate contractile machinery proteins, such as C-protein and cardiac troponin I (CTnI) (6 -9). Many laboratories, including ours, have focused on the mechanism by which phosphorylation of CTnI may be involved in the inotropic effect brought about by -agonist stimulation.Troponin I (TnI), a subunit of the troponin complex, inhibits the actomyosin ATPase activity when muscle is in the resting state. Binding of Ca 2ϩ to the low affinity site(s) of troponin C (TnC) releases the TnI inhibition on actomyosin ATPase through protein-protein interactions among the troponin complex, tropomyosin and actin, and leads to muscle contraction (10). In comparison with skeletal TnI, CTnI has an additional 32-33 amino acids at its N terminus, and this segment also contains two adjacent serine residues at positions 22 and 23 or 23 and 24, depending on the species (11-13). By converting the phosphoserine into the stable S-ethylcysteine derivative on bovine CTnI, Swiderek et al. (14,15) demonstrated that these two serines were able to be fully phosphorylated by PKA. Biochemical studies have shown that CTnI can be phosphorylated to the level of 2 mol of phosphate/mol of protein (16), consistent with the sequence prediction. Considerable effort has been made with either perfused hearts (17, 18) or isolated proteins (14 -16) to determine the m...