These mAbs make it possible to separate the increase in [Ca2+ h from the increase in pHi and may be useful in the elucidation of the regulatory role of Ca2+ in sperm physiology.Increases in both cytoplasmic free Ca2" ([Ca2"]j) and pH (pHi) underlie activation of cellular activities such as mitogenesis (1) and fertilization (2). The activation of sea urchin spermatozoa at fertilization consists of the following two major events: (i) initiation ofmotility and respiration resulting from an increase in pHi of about 0.4 unit to pHi 7.4 (3-7) and (it) the exocytotic acrosome reaction (AR), occurring when the sperm encounters the jelly layer surrounding the egg (8). An ethanol-insoluble component of eggjelly, which is a large fucose sulfate-rich glycoconjugate (FSG), possesses the ARinducing activity (9-11). Induction of the AR by FSG is dependent on millimolar concentrations of external Ca2" ([Ca2`],) and an additional increase in pHi to =7.6 (5, 6, 12-15). The AR can also be induced by ionophores or alteration of the ion concentration of seawater to cause both the entrance of Ca2' and the elevation of pH1 (12,13 (Mr, 210,000) of sea urchin spermatozoa has implicated this protein in the regulation of ionic changes associated with the AR (20). We have reported (20) that mAb J10/14 inhibits both the FSG-induced AR and the subsequent long-duration 45Ca2+ accumulation. However, by using the Ca2+ indicators indo-1 and fura-2, we now report that both J10/14 and another mAb to the 210-kDa protein, J18/2, induce rapid increases in sperm [Ca2+]i to levels even greater than those induced by FSG. These mAb-induced increases in sperm [Ca2+], occur without an increase in pHi, and the AR is not induced. When the mAb-induced-increase in [Ca2+], is combined with an NH4Cl treatment to increase pHi, the AR is induced. These mAbs to the 210-kDa protein are thus valuable reagents for studying the physiological effects of increases in sperm [Ca2 ]i in the absence of an elevation in pHi.
MATERIALS AND METHODSCells and Media. Gametes of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were collected directly from the gonopore and stored undiluted ("dry" sperm); the AR was scored; and egg jelly was obtained as described (20). Externalization of the contents of the acrosome granule was assessed by anti-bindin immunofluorescence (21). The 70% (vol/vol) ethanol-insoluble fraction of eggjelly (FSG) was prepared as described (9,22
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