For over two decades photoacoustic (PA) imaging has been tested clinically, but successful human trials have been minimal. To enable quantitative clinical spectroscopy, the fundamental issues of wavelength-dependent fluence variations and inter-wavelength motion must be overcome. Here we propose a new real-time, spectroscopic photoacoustic/ultrasound (PAUS) imaging approach using a compact, 1-kHz rate wavelength-tunable laser. Instead of illuminating tissue over a large area, the fiber-optic delivery system surrounding an US array sequentially scans a narrow laser beam, with partial PA image reconstruction for each laser pulse. The final image is then formed by coherently summing partial images at a 50-Hz video rate. This scheme enables (i) automatic laser-fluence compensation in spectroscopic PA imaging and (ii) interwavelength motion correction using US speckle tracking, which have never been shown before in real-time systems. The 50-Hz video rate PAUS system is demonstrated in vivo using a murine model of drug delivery monitoring.
AffiliationsContributions G.-S. J. assembled the experimental setup, developed and implemented the PAUS imaging protocol, integrated the optical system with a Vantage (Verasonics) US scanner, performed all experimental studies, performed PA and US image processing and reconstruction, developed and implemented motion correction algorithms for spectroscopic PA imaging, wrote the paper. M.-L. L. conducted experiments with G.-S. J., helped in image processing. M.K. conducted experiments with G.-S. J., developed and implemented laser fluence compensation routine in spectroscopic PA imaging. S.J.Y. assembled early-stage PAUS system, did preliminary measurements, helped in designing imaging protocol for the final PAUS scanner. J.J.P. Jr. participated in designing laser fluence compensation algorithms, fast acquisition and image processing in Verasonics US scanner and article illustration. D.S.L. synthesized Prussian blue nanocubes, helped in auxiliary measurements. I.P. conceived the idea of the spectroscopic fast-sweep approach, designed the project with M.O.D., supervised the project, specified the laser and fiber-optic coupling modules for the PAUS system, worked with vendors for their development, assembled the PAUS system, worked with M.K. on laser fluence compensation algorithms, participated in experimental studies, designed and wrote the paper. M.O.D. conceived the idea of moving beam illumination with I.P, designed the project, and wrote the paper.