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AUTHOR(S)Dowling, David R.
PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)University of Michigan Department of Mechanical Engineering 2250 G.G. Brown Ann Arhnr. MT 48109-7175
SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Office of Naval Research Ballston Centre Tower One 800 North Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22217-5660
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)Prescribed by ANSI-Std Z39-18
F0RMA1-2 AUGMENTATION AWARDS FOR SCIENCE & ENGINEERING RESEARCH TRAINING (ASSERT) REPORTING FORMThe Department of Defense (DOD) requires certain information to evaluate the effectiveness of the AASERT program. By accepting this Grant Modification, which bestows the AASERT funds, the Grantee agrees to provide the information requested below to the Government's technical point of contact by each annual anniversary of the ASSERT award date.
Grantee identification data: (R &T and Grant numbers found on
ABSTRACTThis project seeks to quantitatively predict time-reversing array retrofocus size and longevity in the presence of the physical phenomena common in shallow ocean waters. These phenomena include guided-wave propagations, acoustic absorption, dynamic internal waves, and bottom roughness. In addition the influence of the orientation of linear arrays with respect to the waveguide axis and the source has been addressed.
RESULTSThe main findings of this project are contained in the three attached manuscripts. The research work completed here represents the doctoral dissertation of Michael R. Dungan.
ATTACHMENTS[1] M.R. Dungan and D.R. Dowling, "Computed time-reversing array retrofocusing in a dynamic shallow ocean," J. Acoust. Soc. Am, Vol. 107, 3101-3112, 2000.[2] M.R. Dungan and D.R. Dowling, "Computed narrowband azimuthal time-reversing array retrofocusing in shallow water," revised for the J. Acoust. Soc. Am, Nov. 2000.[3] Dungan, M.R. and Dowling, D.R., "Orientation and linear time reversing array retrofocusing in shallow water," submitted to the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Feb. 2001 Computed narrow-band time-reversing array retrofocusing in a dynamic shallow ocean A time-reversing array (TRA) can retrofocus acoustic energy, in both time and space, to the original sound-source location without any environmental information. This unique capability may be degraded in time-...