Photogalvanicists have conventionally used complicated, multichambered, sophisticated, and very costly cell designs for solar electricity and storage. We authors have simplified cell design with encouraging electrical output as well.We authors have used a simple, cheap, and one-chambered cell design based on cylindrical glass tubes instead of the costly, conventional, and complex Hshaped glass tube-based cell fabrication design. The study has been done under similar electrolytic and illuminating conditions for different cell designs based on various blackened H-shaped glass tubes of the different diffusion lengths, nonblackened simple glass boiling tube, blackened simple glass boiling tube, and simple noncoated glass beakers. Nonblackened glass tube-based cell design has shown very good electrical output, that is, power 439 μW, current 2100 μA, potential 1045 mV, efficiency 6.1%, and storage capacity 130 minutes. Under similar chemical and illuminating conditions, the electrical output of cells fabricated of the simple glass tube is as good as that of the conventional cells made from the complex H-shaped glass tube. Furthermore, the cell design based on a simple cylindrical glass tube is three-edged more advantageous (in terms of the cost, electrical output, and ease of fabrication) over all other cell designs reported so far.