Absorption and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra are reported for the metallophthalocyanine-N-isologs: magnesium-3,4-pyridinoporphrazine (MgPcN,(-2)), zinc-3,4-pyridinoporphyrazine (ZnPcN4(-2)), and zinc-3,4-pyridazinoporphyrazine (ZnPcN8(-2)). Band deconvolution calculations, which couple both the absorption and the MCD spectra, are reported for each complex. The presence of the peripherally fused pyridine rings in MgPN4(-2) and ZnPcN4(-2) reduces the molecular symmetry and splits the degenerate Q band into its x and y components with zero field splitting parameters (AQ.,) of 224 and 279 cm-', respectively. Band fitting results for ZnPcN8 (-2) show that with the fused pyridazine rings the degeneracy in the 'E, excited state is retained and the MCD envelope in the region of the Q, transition can be described by an MCD A term. Comparison of the fitted band energies with the results reported for ZnPc(-2) (T. Nyokong, Z. Gasyna, and M.J. Stillman. Inorg. Chem. 26, 1087Chem. 26, (1987) and MgPc(-2) (E.A. Ough, T. Nyokong, K.A.M. Creber, and M.J. Stillman. Inorg. Chem. 27,2725Chem. 27, (1988) shows that as the number of nitrogens substituted increases from 0 to 8, the Q band blue shifts from 671 nm in ZnPc(-2) to 664 nm in ZnPcN4(-2) (midpoint between the x and y components) to 654 nm in ZnPcN8(-2) and from 672 nm in MgPc(-2) to 666 nm in MgPcN4(-2) (midpoint). These results demonstrate that chemical modification (symmetric and asymmetric) of the peripherally fused benzene rings influences both the energy and the symmetry of the states that form the inner 18-T-electron system. EDWARD A. OUGH, MARTIN J. STILLMAN et KATHERINE A.M. CREBER. Can. J. Chem. 71, 1898Chem. 71, (1993. On a determine les spectres d'absorption et de dichroiisme circulaire magnetique (DCM) des N-isologues suivants de m~tallonaphthalocyanines : magnCsium-3,4-pyridinoporphrazine (MgPcN4(-2)), zinc-3,4-pyridinoporphrazine (ZnPcN4(-2)) et zinc-3,4-pyridazinoporphrazine (ZnPcN8(-2)). Pour chacun des complexes, on a effectue des calculs de deconvolution de bande qui permettent de coupler les spectres d'absorption et de DCM. La presence de noyaux pyridines condenses d'une f a~o n peripherique dans de MgPcN4(-2) et dans le ZnPcN4(-2) reduit la syrnetrie moleculaire et dedouble la bande Q degenkree en ses composants x et y avec des paramktres de couplage de champ zero (AQ,) de 224 et 279 cm-' respectivement. Un ajustement des bandes du ZnPcN8(-2) montre qu'avec les cycles pyridazines condenses la degCnCrescence de l'etat excite 'E, est conservke et que l'enveloppe du DCM dans la region de la transition Qoo peut &tre decrite par un terme A du DCM. Une comparaison des energies des bandes ajustees avec les rksultats rapport& pour le ZnPc(-2) (T. Nyokong, Z. Casyna et M.J. Stillman. Inorg. Chem. 26, 1087) et pour le MgPc(-2) (E.A. Ough, T. Nyokong, K.A.M. Creber et M.J. Stillman. Inorg. Chem. 27, 2725) montre que lorsque le nombre d'atomes d'azote substitues augmente de 0 a 8, la bande Q se deplace de 671 nm dans le ZnPc(-2) 2 664 nm dans le ZnP...