“…This oxidative process is one of the chief degradation pathways for PAHs in the natural aquatic environment. Photodegradation products of the following PAHs are characterized: naphthalene in vapor (51)(52)(53), phenanthrene in silica-air inter-phase (54,55), anthracene in aqueous and organic solvents (56)(57)(58)(59)(60), pyrene in soil surface or on carbon (61-64), benzo[a]pyrene in aqueous media (65,66), and some heterocyclic compounds in solutions or on solid surfaces. Since then, characterization of photoproducts of some PAH in aqueous or water/organic solvent mixtures are available: naphthalene (53), pyrene (67,68), benz [a]anthracene (57,69,70), methyl substituted BAs (69), 1-hydroxypyrene (71), and 1-aminopyrene (AP).…”