Can. J . Chem. 63, 685 (1985). Ultraviolet irradiation of 4-methyl-4-trichloromethylcyclohexa-2.5-dinone in acidic methanol resulted in the stcreospecific generation of a solvent adduct, whose structure has been determined by X-ray crystallography, and whose carbon skeleton can be identified with that of the previously postulated zwitterion intermediate. It is concluded that the photochemical rearrangement of this dienone to the corresponding lumiketone proceeds with inversion of configuration at the migratory carbon. ANGELO C. BRISIMITZAKIS, DAVID 1. SCHUSTER et JAMES M. VAN DER VEEN. Can. J. Chem. 63, 685 (1985) L'irradiation ultraviolette de la mCthyl-4 trichloromtthyl-4 cyclohexadikne-2,5 one, dans du methanol acidulC, conduit i la gCnCration stCrCospCcifique d'un adduit de solvant dont on a determink la structure par diffraction des rayons-X et dont la structure carbon& peut &tre identifike avec celle qui avait Ct C postulte antCrieurement pour I'intermCdiaire zwitterionique. On en conclut que la transposition photochimique de cette diCnone, en IumicCtone correspondante, se produit avec une inversion de configuration au niveau du carbone qui migre.[Traduit par le journal]Mechanistic interpretations regarding the photochemistry of cross-conjugated cyclohexadienones have centered around a bicyclic zwitterionic intermediate (I). Indirect evidence for the intermediacy of such a species came from thermal generation of such zwitterions from appropriate precursors (2), as well as trapping of such species by cycloaddition reactions with cyclopentadiene and furan (3). Molecular and stereochemical characterization of these adducts relied on analysis of spectral data.The first direct evidence for the intermediacy of a zwitterion in the photochemistry of dienone 1 involved~the isolation of solvent adduct 3, in which the carbon skeleton of the postulated zwitterion intermediate was preserved (4). Although the report established the overall structure of 3, the exolendo configuration of the methyl and CC13 groups, as well as the relative orientation of substituents to the carbonyl group, were not established.We now report the complete structure including stereochemistry of 3 based on single crystal X-ray analysis, and its mechanistic implications with respect to the photorearrangement of 1 to lumiketone 4 ( 3 , whose stereochemistry has been 'Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. 'Revision received August 16, 1984.established previously (6).Solvent adduct 3 was prepared by ultraviolet irradiation of dienone 1 in acidic methanol. Careful chromatographic separation on Florisil afforded a pure crystalline sample of 3, which had previously been isolated only as a colorless oil (4). Spectral data of 3 ('v and 'H nmr, ir, ms) matched those previously reported (4) for the oily adduct, and are consistent with the proposed assignment.Crystal data CgHI 102C13 fw = 257.55 The space group was determined to be triclinic, T, with a = 5.963(3), b = 9.958(4), c = 10.106(4) A, a = 105.47(3), P = 105.52(3)", y = 81.91(3)", Z = ...