Trap levels in n- and p-type spray pyrolysed CdS thin films were analysed using thermally stimulated current (TSC) and dark-conductivity measurements. TSC measurements of the n-type sample revealed the presence of only one peak under light excitation for a short period due to mobility of sulphur vacancies, but longer excitation could give evidence of one more level which was due to a complex of cadmium and sulphur vacancies. TSC spectra of the p-type sample indicated the presence of two levels of comparable cross section irrespective of light excitation time, which correspond to mobility of the sulphur vacancy and copper impurity. TSC measurements on air annealed n-type samples indicated the presence of a level due to the sulphur vacancies and another level may be due to chemisorbed oxygen. However vacuum annealed samples showed results similar to those of as-prepared n-type samples. The dark-conductivity measurements of these samples were found to be in good agreement with the TSC measurement results.