Metal ion signaling in biology has been studied extensively with ortho-nitrobenzyl photocages; however, the low quantum yields and other optical properties are not ideal for these applications. We describe the synthesis and characterization of NTAdeCage, the first member in a new class of Zn 2+ photocages that utilizes a light-driven decarboxylation reaction in the metal ion release mechanism. NTAdeCage binds Zn 2+ with sub-pM affinity using a modified nitrilotriacetate chelator and exhibits an almost 6 order of magnitude decrease in metal binding affinity upon uncaging. In contrast to other metal ion photocages, NTAdeCage and the corresponding Zn 2+ complex undergo efficient photolysis with quantum yields approaching 30%. The ability of NTAdeCage to mediate the uptake of 65 Zn 2+ by Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing hZIP4 demonstrates the viability of this photocaging strategy to execute biological assays. Keywords cage compounds; coordination compounds; photolysis; X-ray diffraction; zinc The importance of Zn 2+ beyond structural and catalytic functions in proteins has become increasingly apparent. [1] Zinc and iron regulated proteins (ZIPs) increase cytosolic Zn 2+ concentrations; in contrast, zinc transporter (ZnT) proteins decrease cytosolic Zn 2+ . [2,3] Elucidating the function of free or loosely bound Zn 2+ in the cytosol as well as in intracellular compartments remains important; however, the ability to modulate Zn 2+ levels in vivo in a time-resolved manner remains elusive. [4] Free Zn 2+ has been implicated in various signaling pathways, [1] and recently fertilization of oocytes has been shown to trigger "zinc sparks" that serve to initiate meiosis at the beginning stages of embryotic development. [5] The development of new methodologies to simulate fluctuations in Zn 2+ concentrations in a spatiotemporal manner would facilitate the understanding of complex signaling processes.Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under
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Author ManuscriptThe photochemistry of ortho-nitrobenzyl (oNB) chromophores initially was recognized as a means to deliver Ca 2+ in a controlled manner to biological receptors using light. [6] We subsequently adapted two Ca 2+ -releasing strategies to develop photocaged complexes for biologically relevant metal ions such as Zn 2+ , Cu + and Fe 3+ . [7,8] In the Cast photocages, decreased electron density on a coordinated aniline nitrogen atom following photolysis lowers chelator binding affinity. [9][10][11] While this strategy can adequately buffer Ca 2+ at typical intracellular resting levels (ca. 100 nM) and simulate biologically relevant concentration increases, [6,12] the reliance on weakly coordinating aniline-based ligands precludes use with Zn 2+ , which experiences tighter intracellular homeostasis. [11] Alternatively, photolytically breaking a carbon-heteroatom bond provides compounds that release metal ions through the reduction ...