The photonuclear reaction 9Be(y,n) was used to measure the intensity I(2009.8) of the crossover E4 transition in 46Ti by an improved method. A point-like 4 6 S~ source was used to provide the 4hTi. Neutrons generated by the "Ti gamma rays were detected with BF, counters. The observedintensity perdecay o~~~S C was1(2009.8)= (1.3 + 1.0) x lo-', whichagrees well with the previous estimate by Fluharty and Deutsch. From the present result the reduced transition probability B(E4),, and the partial mean life-time r(E4) of the crossover E4 transition between the 2009.8 keV, 4+ state and the ground state in 46Ti were estimated as B(E4),,= (5.6 + 4.9) x e2 cms and r(E4) = (1.7 + 1.3) x s, respectively. On a utilise la reaction photonucleaire 9Be(y,n) pour mesurer I'intensite I(2009.8) de la transition de croisement E4 dans 46Ti par une methode amelioree. Une source ponctuelle de 4 6 S~ a ete employee pour fournir le 46Ti. Les neutrons produits par les rayons gamma de 46Ti etaient detectes par des compteurs BF,. L'intensite observee par desintegration de 4bSc est 1(2009,8) = (I, 3 + 1.0) x 10-',ce quiest en bon accordavec I'estimation anterieurede Fluharty et Deutsch. A partir du present resultat la probabilite reduite de transition B(E4),, et la vie moyenne partielle 7(E4) de la transition de croisement E4 entre l'etat 2009.8 keV, 4+, et I'etat fondamental de 46Ti ont ete estimees a B(E4),, = (5,6 + 4.9) x e' cm8 et r(E4) = (1.7 If: 1,3) x s, respectivement. Can. J. Phys.,58. 1712(1980) [Traduit par le journal] 4 ' The crossover E4 transitions from low-lying 4+ 83.9 dexcited states in spherical even-even nuclei are of 2 , , + / 4+ -? interest especially in connection with the collective behavior of nuclear matter. However, previous 100 % 6.2 experimental data were not good enough to compare with theory. In addition to the extreme weak-3 Q? l ness of the E4 transition the presence of the sum peak due to cascade E2 transitions makes it very 889.3 difficult, even with a Ge(Li) detector, to measure its I intensity accurately. A comparatively simple method is to use the photonuclear (y,n) reaction o 4 6and to count the neutrons generated. However, this Ti method requires an intense y-ray source (a fewtens of curies at least). which is accom~anied bv FIG. 1. Partial decay scheme of 4 6 S~ (all energies in keV).troublesome proble'hs in its production: handling, the 0+ ground state, the former being populated and disposal. Hence the method has been applied through the allowed P-decay of 4 6 S~ with an intenmainly to the measurement of the crossover E4 sity of 100%. transition (2506 keV) in 60Ni using a familiar 60Co source for the D(y ,n) reaction (1-3).
MethodThe photonuclear reaction 9Be(y ,n) is used here Figure 2 shows the experimental arrangement for to measure the intensity of the crossover E4 transi-the present measurements. A 4 6 S~ source of about tion in 46Ti, and some nuclear information is extra-23 Ci is placed at the center of the cylindrical target cted from the results obtained. Figure 1 shows the assembly which con...