TlInS2 single crystal belonging to the group A 111 B 111 C v1 gets a great attention nowadays due to its electrical and optical properties, which make it a good candidate for photoconductivity applications. In the present study, the dependence of the AC-photoconductivity of TlInS2 single crystal on the chopping frequency was investigated by plotting (∆σ/∆σst − ω) versus the chopping frequency (15-300 Hz). The effect of different parameters including temperature (77-300 K), applied voltage (10-70 V), and light intensity (1000-7000 lx) on the dependence of AC-photoconductivity on the chopping frequency was studied. The results indicated that the AC-photoconductivity decreases with the increase in the chopping frequency regardless of the values of the effecting parameters (temperature, voltage, and light intensity). Due to its properties, TlInS2 single crystals represent a promising material for using in photodetector and radiation visualizer employed in recording information in optical devices. Moreover, these materials are suitable for solar batteries due to its ability to generate appreciable quantity of electrical power from sun radiation.