Multiple photoionization of neon atoms by a strong 13.7 nm (90.5 eV) laser pulse has been studied at the FLASH free electron laser in Hamburg. A velocity map imaging spectrometer was used to record angle-resolved photoelectron spectra on a single-shot basis. Analysis of the evolution of the spectra with the FEL pulse energy in combination with extensive theoretical calculations allows the ionization pathways that contribute to be assigned, revealing the occurrence of sequential three-photon triple ionization. The development of free electron lasers (FELs) emitting radiation in the extreme ultraviolet and the x-ray spectral range heralds a new era in the study of nonlinear processes at high photon frequency. Using these new sources (FLASH in Germany, SPring-8 in Japan, and LCLS in the USA), previously unexplored regimes of atomic and molecular strong field ionization become accessible. In the first experiments [1-3] strongly nonlinear multiple ionization of atoms has already been observed. Since mainly multiply charged ions were detected, it was impossible to unambiguously identify the ionization mechanisms. Accordingly, the interpretation of some of these experiments is still under debate [4,5], and the main question is whether the experimental results can be understood without introducing new concepts, e.g., collective effects, in the description of the multiphoton multiple ionization at high frequencies. In the simplest case of two-photon double ionization (2PDI) two basic mechanisms have been established: direct (nonsequential) ionization, where both photons are absorbed simultaneously, and sequential ionization, where, after absorption of a first photon and emission of the first electron, intermediate ionic states are formed that are further ionized by a second photon. In order to disentangle the ionization mechanisms, a number of experimental techniques have so far been used, which include measurements of ionic charge state distributions [6], energyand angle-resolved electron spectroscopy [7,8], measurements of recoil-ion-momentum distributions [9][10][11][12], and kinematically complete experiments using a reaction microscope [8]. Together with extensive accompanying theoretical work (e.g., Ref.[13] and references therein) these experiments have significantly advanced our understanding of 2PDI. In particular it was established, as first predicted theoretically [14], that sequential ionization is dominant if the photon energy is larger than the binding energy of the singly charged ion.As a logical next step in studies of multiphoton multiple ionization in the high-frequency regime, we report the first observation of sequential three-photon triple ionization (3PTI) of neon atoms, based on a measurement of angle-resolved photoelectron spectra using the velocity map imaging technique [15]. Strong field triple ionization is much more complicated than double ionization due to the larger number of processes that can contribute. Therefore, although triply charged ions have been reported [1,2,9], individual pathway...