The composition of oxide nanofilm formed on the HfC anode under electrolysis of a 3% NaCl solution at potentials between -0.20 and +1.90 V is studied using the potentiodynamic method of polarization curves and Auger electron spectroscopy and SEM methods. The film consists of the upper layer formed in polymolecular chemosorption of O 2 and Cl 2 gases followed by the HfO 2 + C (1 : 1) layer. Two inner layers represent a 7 at.% O 2 solid solution in HfC and a mixture of HfC 0.7 O 0.3 and HfO (7 : 1). The oxide film 30-40 nm thick formed at potentials up to 1.35 V is protective and ensures very high corrosion resistance of HfC without any further polarization.Although hafnium carbide is rather expensive, it is widely used in modern engineering to produce space rocket nozzles, structural components of gas-cycle nuclear jet engines, high-performance thermoionic generators, parts of power ion engines, and protective shields and control rods for nuclear reactors. Hafnium carbide is sometimes oxidized, oxide films being formed on its surface.We should examine the nature of the electrochemical oxidation of hafnium carbide at small potentials of anodic polarization to model the initial stages of forming such films not only in contact with marine water splashes but also with atmospheric oxygen.The HfC electrochemical oxidation is still to be examined, while HfC high-temperature oxidation is the subject of many papers. In particular, it was hypothesized in [1] that hafnium carbide and oxycarbide oxidized to HfO 2 through an intermediate phase of HfO 2 C (this hypothesis was not verified further). Two-stage HfC oxidation in air to 1200°C was established in [2]. It was shown that oxycarbide HfC x O y formed in the first stage and oxide HfO 2 in the second.Bargeron and his coauthors [3,4] conducted more detailed research into the oxidation of HfC between 1400 and 2060°C [3, 4] to reveal three oxide layers in the cross-section of oxidized samples. The lower layer represents carbide HfC with oxygen being dissolved in its lattice, the upper, quite porous layer contains HfO 2 , and the dense intermediate layer consists of hafnium oxide and carbon. It was shown that it was the intermediate layer that served as a barrier to the diffusion of oxygen inside the sample.