In connection with a paper by Kalman [Phys. Rev. A 39, 2428(1989], we present an independent analysis of the behavior of the matrix element of r and p, relevant for the ground-state photoelectric cross section in hydrogen, evaluated in the Born approximation. This analysis, performed in momentum space, proves once again that, in the plane-wave approximation, the result obtained in momentum gauge is the correct one in the lowest order in az (a being the fine-structure constant, Z the atomic number}. PACS number(s): 32.80.Wr, 78.70.Dm, 32.80.Fb do' g dQ '0 2srrl(1+vi ) exp(2~rl ), d 0 1exp( -2m. rl } where g =Zfi/a~, =arctan[2gi( I rl ) ], -(2) (3) with p the ejected electron asymptotic momentum, ao the Bohr radius, A Planck's reduced constant, and In a recent paper [1] Kalman presents a discrepancy between two calculations for the photoionization cross section of the ground state of hydrogen, evaluated in the plane-wave approximation for the final electron. The author's claim is that his Eq. (19) is the correct answer, and not his Eq. (9). In this Comment, we argue that the last quoted equation [identical with Eq. (4) below] is the correct one in the lowest approximation in aZ (a the Sne-structure constant, Z the atomic number}. The calculation presented in Sec. II of Ref. [1], and named "the traditional treatment, " corresponds to a lowest-order Born approximation calculation in momentum gauge. In Sec. III of Ref. [1], the author takes an approach called "gauge invariant, " uses once again the Born approximation, and, during the calculation, makes an approximation which leads to his Eq. (19), i.e. , to a cross section four times larger than the first calculation. Our opinion is that, contrary to the author s belief, this last calculation reduces to that in the length gauge. As a consequence, one reaches the situation noticed before by Bell and Kingston [2] and analyzed later by Cordes and Calkin [3]. In our Comment, after describing briefly the well established situation, we give an independent analysis of the contribution of the first terms in the Born series to the EC-shell photoelectric cross section. We conclude with other remarks on Kalman's calculation. The exact expression of the E-she11 differential photoelectric cross section in the nonrelativistic dipole approximation [3,4] is dHg [« '0 is pi' (p 2+$2)4 (4) do dQ I d cr dQ i@i SPY~Ct) = 2 tr alia) i G i with F-= (pis PiO), (8} 6-: {pis riO) . The use of the same initial and final stationary states in both gauges is justified [6] because the electron-radiation interaction is supposed to vanish in the initia1 and final states (for time t +ao and t~-co, respectively}. The energy-conservation relation, Eq. (5},is used in the proof of the coincidence of the results obtained in the two gauges. It is worth mentioning that Forney, Quattropani, and Bassani [7] have justiiied the correctness of the use of the same set of unperturbed eigenfunctions for all orders m, is the electron mass and A, =Zfi/ao. The polarization vector of the photon is denoted by s and its ...