Background: Aseptic preparation of pharmaceuticals is regularly undertaken by pharmacists and technicians in hospital pharmacy departments. Despite the existence of practice standards and personnel experienced in aseptic preparation, errors can occur which can jeopardise staff safety. Aim: To describe three cases of photokeratitis from inadvertent exposure to ultraviolet light during aseptic preparation. Clinical Details: 3 clinical pharmacists preparing aseptic products were exposed to ultraviolet light for approximately 2 hours. They developed photokeratitis with diffuse punctate epithelial erosions and burns to the corneas. They also experienced a reduction in their visual acuity. The pharmacists were reviewed by ophthalmologists and treated conservatively. They all made uneventful recoveries. Conclusion: This report reinforces the hazards of ultraviolet lights used in sterile rooms. It is essential that training of aseptic preparation starts with switching off of the ultraviolet lights.