GaInAsP and GaInAsSbBi solid solutions were grown on GaP (111) substrates by pulsed laser deposition using a laser fluence of 2.3 J/cm 2 . Energy Dispersive X-ray microanalysis, atomic force microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy were used for analysis of the elemental composition and study of the surface morphology and chemical bonds of the obtained solid solutions. It was found that at constant growth temperature and the fluence of 2.3 J/cm 2 , the elemental composition of the film has a significant effect on the growth kinetics. Surface-active elements (Sb and Bi) in the composition of the solid solution lead to a change in the surface diffusion of In and Ga, which is accompanied by a decrease in roughness. It was established that the films growth in the Volmer-Weber mode. The grown films are nanotextured with a predominant orientation in the direction of growth (111). KEYWORDS pulsed laser deposition, solid solutions, GaP, semiconductors, III--V compounds ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded as part of a state order to the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, projects No. 122020100254-3 (studies of chemical composition and morphology) and No. 122020100326-7 (Raman studies). The growth of experimental samples was carried out using the resources of Center for Collective Use of North Caucasus Federal University and with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the unique identifier of the project is RF-2296.61321X0029 (agreement No. 075-15-2021. The authors express their gratitude to the North Caucasian Federal University for their assistance in the framework of the competition for supporting projects of scientific groups and individual scientists of the university.