“…In a recent paper,' one of us pointed out that three major cosmological problems that have confronted particle physicists and cosmologists, namely the initial singularity of the universe, the nature of the dark matter in the universe, and the large-scale structure of the universe, are all solved by the hypothesis that quarks are charged, spin-;, Planck-mass fermions. These particles, whose mass is (k/G)"*g, have been called unitons.8 This hypothesis leads to the following deductions: (1) The initial state of the universe was that of a highly degenerate gas of free unitons at zero K, with zero entropy andfinite volume; (2) The unitons combined gravitationally into triplet linear rotators (the current nucleons) releasing 3 x 1019 GeV per rotator; (3) This energy release produced the Big Bang and the expansion of the universe; (4) The remnant unitons, one per lOI7 nucleons, account for the dark matter in the universe; (5) On a scale of loB parsecs, the distribution of mass, primarily remnant unitons, is uniform; (6) The observed large-scale distribution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies is produced and governed by the dark matter.…”