Classes of relativistic symmetries accommodating supersymmetric patterns are considered for the Dirac Hamiltonian with axially-deformed scalar and vector potentials.The Dirac equation plays a key role in microscopic descriptions of many-fermion systems, employing covariant density functional theory and the relativistic mean-field approach. In apphcation to nuclei and hadrons, the required Dirac mean-field Hamiltonian involves a mixture of Lorentz vector and scalar potentials. Recently, symmetries of Dirac Hamiltonians with such Lorentz structure were shown to be relevant for explaining observed degeneracies in the spectra of nuclei (pseudospin doublets [1]) and mesons (spin doublets [2]). Corresponding supersymmetric patterns were identified for spherically-symmetric potentials [3]. In the present contribution, we extend these studies to Dirac Hamiltonians with axially-deformed scalar and vector potentials [4].The essential ingredients of supersymmetric quantum mechanics [5] are the supersymmetric Hamiltonian ^ = {"+ i^) = f^I^L?t) and charges g_ = /"^ " Q+ = {Q-)\ which generate the supersymmetric algebra [^,e±] = {e±,e±}=o, {e-,e+} = ^. (i) /f+ and /f_ satisfy an intertwining relation, Z/f+ = /f_Z, which ensures that if (/)+ is an eigenstate of/f+, then also (/)^=Z(/)+isan eigenstate of/f_ with the same energy. Such H. H_ H. H_ good SUSY broken SUSY FIGURE 1. Typical spectra of good and broken SUSY. The operators L and L^ connect degenerate CP1072, Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics: From Stable Beams to Exotic Nuclei, edited by I. Boztosun and A. B. Balantekin