The effects of auxins on whole plants have been studied by many workers. Cereals (1,2,6,8,25,26) have been frequently used in such investigations.The recent reviews by Lang (7) and Liverman (11) bring out interesting relationships between the auxin response and the photoperiodic nature of the experimental plant. Auxins frequently promote flowerinig in long-day plants but seldom in short-day species (8,27 made each day at about 9 A.M. The data as a whole show that IAA at 250 and 100 ppm, and TIBA at all concentrations, brought about a significantly earlier ear emergence than in the controls. However, there is a marked difference among the varieties in the response to the same growth substance. The auxin IAA had no effect on ear emergence in the earlywinter and mid-winter varieties but produced a significant earliness in the late-winter variety at the concentrations of 250 and 500 ppm. The other auxin, NAA, brought about a significant delay in ear emergence in the early-winter variety at higher con-