DOI: 10.1071/ch15249
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Photophysical Properties of Rare Earth Diclofenac Complexes in the Solid State

Abstract: We elaborate on the use of the comparably complex, but widely used and readily accessible pharmaceutical diclofenac, the molecular structure of which contains aromatic units with chloro-, amine-, and carboxylate substituents, all of which were deemed to be useful in the formation of efficiently luminescing rare earth complexes. However, efficient luminophores with quantum yields of 48 % in the case of Tb 3þ could only be obtained by the additional employment of chelating N-donors (1,10-phenanthroline and 2,2 0… Show more

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Cited by 5 publications
(3 citation statements)
References 23 publications
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“…As one can see, the Δν values for the complexes are slightly lower but close to the sodium salt, indicating that the fluf ligand coordinates to Ln 3+ ions through a bidentate chelate coordination mode . These results are corroborated with the FTIR data reported in previous reports. ,, The coordination of ancillary ligands to the Ln 3+ ion was confirmed by the shift of the heteroaromatic C–N mode and the phosphine oxides (ν PO ) and sulfoxide (ν SO ) stretching modes to lower energies when compared with the free organic molecules, as can be seen in Table S2.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 86%
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“…As one can see, the Δν values for the complexes are slightly lower but close to the sodium salt, indicating that the fluf ligand coordinates to Ln 3+ ions through a bidentate chelate coordination mode . These results are corroborated with the FTIR data reported in previous reports. ,, The coordination of ancillary ligands to the Ln 3+ ion was confirmed by the shift of the heteroaromatic C–N mode and the phosphine oxides (ν PO ) and sulfoxide (ν SO ) stretching modes to lower energies when compared with the free organic molecules, as can be seen in Table S2.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 86%
“…34 These results are corroborated with the FTIR data reported in previous reports. 27,33,35 The coordination of ancillary ligands to the Ln 3+ ion was confirmed by the shift of the heteroaromatic C−N mode and the phosphine oxides (ν P�O ) and sulfoxide (ν S�O ) stretching modes to lower energies when compared with the free organic molecules, 36−38 as can be seen in Table S2.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…[17] Furthermore, Peter Junk, Ulrich Kynast, and co-workers discuss the important solid-state luminescence of rare earth diclofenac complexes. [18] Photovoltaic cells convert light energy into electrical energy and discovery of new materials for the production of efficient solar cells is important to break free from the dependency on non-renewable energy sources. Rapid advances in polymer solar cell efficiency have been made in recent years through the fundamental understanding of the structure-property relationships of light-absorbing polymers.…”
confidence: 99%