An arrestin homolog (Arr2, 49-kDa protein) of blowfly (Culliphoru erythrocephula) retinae undergoes light-dependent reversible binding to the photoreceptor membrane. In order to characterize this arrestin homolog and to study its function in a well-defined experimental system, we developed a purification scheme which used microvillar photoreceptor membranes as an affinity binding matrix. Additional purification steps included ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration and binding to heparin-agarose. The molecular mass of purified Arr2, as judged by SDSPAGE, is in the range 45-49 kDa. The isoelectric point, as judged by gel isolelectric focussing, is 8.7. Arr2 is specific to the retina, where it is subject to phosphorylation at multiple sites.Binding of purified Arr2 to isolated photoreceptor membranes efficiently activates the lightinduced phosphorylation of visual pigment. Since the assay system used is deficient in rhodopsin phosphatase activity, the arrestin-stimulated phosphate incorporation into rhodopsin results solely from the activation of a protein kinase. Phosphorylation experiments with highly purified membrane preparations indicate that rhodopsin kinase is tightly associated with the rhabdomeric membrane or the microvillar cytoskeleton. Rhodopsin kinase is released from the membrane or inactivated upon treatment with urea. It is concluded that this anestin is a regulator protein that controls visualpigment phosphorylation by affecting the interaction of metarhodopsin and rhodopsin (metarhodopsin) kinase.Recent electrophysiological, biochemical and molecularbiology studies have substantially deepened the insight into the process of signal transduction in rhabdomeric photoreceptors (Minke and Selinger 1991 ;Pak, 1991 ;Smith et al., 1991), and it has become evident that certain features are common to the transduction cascades in both rhabdomeric and ciliary photoreceptors. For example, in both systems, excitation and adaptation are initiated by photoconversion of the visual pigment, rhodopsin (P), to its active form, metarhodopsin (M), (P+M). Accompanying conformational changes of opsin, the protein moiety of the visual pigment, trigger interactions with other components of the transduction cascade, namely enzymes and regulatory proteins. Searching for such components, we have previously identified a 49-kDa protein of blowfly photoreceptors which is buffer soluble in dark-adapted membrane preparations (Pstate membranes) and becomes tightly bound to the microvillar photoreceptor membrane upon P to M transition (M-state membranes; Bentrop and Paulsen, 1986). The affinity of the 49-kDa protein for the membrane is drastically reduced after photoconversion of M to P (M+P), and the protein can consequently be extracted from the (P state) membrane withCorrespondence to