Autotrophic culture of plant cells in vitro represents a potentially valuable system for genetic manipulation ofphotosynthesis. This system is particularly amenable to alteration of photosynthetic functions governed by chloroplast-encoded enzymes, as seen in the recent recovery of maternally inherited triazine resistant mutants from photomixotrophic cultures oftobacco (3).We have continued to investigate photorespiratory characteristics ofautotrophic tobacco callus as a step toward development of systems for in vitro selection of mutants with alterations in photorespiratory metabolism. Previous demonstrations of inhibition of "'CO2 uptake by 100% 02, light-dependent 02 stimulation of "'CO2 release into C02-free air, and glycolate accumulation after treatment with a a-hydroxy-2-pyridinemethanesulfonate (1) provided evidence for the existence ofphotorespiration in autotrophic callus. In addition, it was shown that 60% 02 completely inhibited autotrophic growth in tobacco callus, but had no effect on heterotrophic growth.To investigate the suitability of high 02 as a selective agent for identification of photorespiratory mutants, we have examined the effects of various 02 levels on growth and net photosynthesis in autotrophic tobacco callus, with particular attention to CO2 reversal of 02 effects. We show that inhibition of net photosynthesis by 40% 02 is fully reversible by high CO2. In contrast, the inhibition ofautotrophic growth by 40% 02 is not fully reversible by high C02, indicating that a portion of this 02 toxicity arises from a mechanism other than photorespiration. Results showing no 02 inhibition of heterotrophic growth, however, confirmed previous observations that 02 toxicity is mediated through photosynthesis, perhaps through Mehler-type reactions in the chloroplasts.
MATERIALS AND METHODSCulture Method. Callus cultures were initiated on a Linsmaier and Skoog (LS) medium (7) from leaf sections of a dihaploid plant obtained from anther cultures (6) of Nicotiana tabacum, L. (cv Havana Seed). Subsequent establishment of autotrophic cultures on polyurethane pads was as previously described (8). Autotrophic callus was grown (liquid LS medium; 0.3 mg-L-' NAA,' no sucrose) in plexiglas chambers (31 L) flushed (100 ml. min-') with 1% C02/21% 02 under continuous illumination (150 E.m 2. s') for 2 weeks prior to measurements of net photosynthesis. Growth experiments were conducted in chambers flushed with the specified atmospheres, and data were collected on total fresh weight and sample dry weight at the end of three weeks.Gas Exchange Analysis. Measurements of net photosynthesis and dark respiration were performed on autotrophic callus at 30°C in one liter Plexiglas chambers fitted with stopcocks, a fan, and a rubber serum stopper. The chamber was flushed (1 L min-') with moistened gas of known composition, and measurements were begun by closing the stopcocks and removing gas samples at intervals ofseveral minutes through the serum stopper with a hypodermic syringe. Assimilation of CO2 was determined...