“…Notes and references ‡ X-ray crystallographic data: Data collection on a STOE IPDS2 diffractometer using graphite-monochromatized Mo K a radiation (l = 0.71073 Å) at 100 K. Structure solution and refinement by direct methods and full matrix least-squares on F 2 , respectively; SHELXTL software. 22 (2), Sn1-C1 2.189(8), Sn1Á Á ÁO1 2.714(6), Au1-S2 2.291(2), Au1-P1 2.260(2); Sn1-S1-Sn1 b 86.30(7), S1-Sn1-S1 b 93.70(7), Sn1-S2-Au1 96.63(9), S2-Au1-P1 178.29(9); 6: Sn-S 2.389(3)-2.525(3), Sn1-C1 2.186 (14), Sn1Á Á ÁN1 2.479(11), Au1-S2 2.298(3), Au1-P1 2.250(3); Sn1-S1-Sn1 c 89.06 (11), S1-Sn1-S1 c 90.94 (11), Sn1-S2-Au1 103.86(13), S2-Au1-P1 172.84 (12).…”