For the first time in Ukraine, it has been shown that transgenic soybean cv. Grimo and Monro is affected by various pathogens, including viral diseases. Negative effect of the Soybean mosaic virus (SMV)-infection on the productivity and yield structure of soybean plants is proved. Also, significant role for the cultivation of transgenic soybeans (Kyiv and Poltava regions, Ukraine) is revealed for growth conditions. Cultivation of the cv. Monro in different weather and climatic conditions has shown that the growth limiting factor is moisture. In 2018, harvest of soybean cv. Monro in farm "Mriya" in Kyiv region was 3.1 t/ha, but in the farm "Mir" in Poltava region it was almost twice lower. We analyzed the coefficient of significance of deviations of the agrometeorological regime in 2018 comparing with the average perennial metadata. It was 1.14-2.30 and demonstrated that the conditions in 2018 are very different comparing with the average perennial parameters and close to the rare. SMV named SGK-17 (Ac No MG940988), isolated from transgenic soybean plants cv. Monro from Kyiv region, was studied in the detail. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the SGK-17 coat protein gene region (430 nt) were compared with sequences of SMV isolates from different countries. SGK-17 has the highest identity level (97.9% nt and 97.2% aa) with isolates from China, Poland, Iran, USA, Ukraine and is belonging to the one cluster with them. Four unique substitutions in CP gene of SGK-17 are revealed, which can be involved in its ability to infect transgenic soybean.