Almost complete sequences of plastid SSU rDNA (16S rDNA) from 17 species belonging to the order Euglenales (sensu Ne! meth, 1997 ; Shi et al., 1999) were determined and used to infer phylogenetic relationships between 10 species of Euglena, three of Phacus, and one of each of Colacium, Lepocinclis, Strombomonas, Trachelomonas and Eutreptia. The maximum-parsimony (MP), maximum-likelihood (ML) and distance analyses of the unambiguously aligned sequence fragments imply that the genus Euglena is not monophyletic. Parsimony and distance methods divide Euglenaceae into two sister groups. One comprises of representatives from the subgenera Phacus, Lepocinclis and Discoglena (sensu Zakrys! , 1986), whereas the other includes members of Euglena and Calliglena subgenera (sensu Zakrys! , 1986), intermixed with representatives of Colacium, Strombomonas and Trachelomonas. In all analyses subgenera Euglena -together with Euglena polymorpha (representative of the subgenus Calliglena) -and Discoglena -together with Phacus and Lepocinclis -form two well-defined clades. The data clearly indicate that a substantial revision of euglenoid systematics is very much required, nevertheless it must await while more information can be gathered, allowing resolution of outstanding relationships.Keywords : chloroplast SSU rDNA, Euglena, Calliglena, Discoglena, molecular phylogeny
INTRODUCTIONThe euglenoid flagellates are an ancient, distinct group of protists related to kinetoplastids (Triemer & Farmer, 1991 ;Cavalier-Smith, 1981, 1993 Corliss, 1994 ; Dawson & Walne, 1994 ;Kivic & Walne, 1983 ;Montegut-Felkner & Triemer, 1997 ;Linton et al., 1999) comprising green and colourless forms. The origin of the euglenoid chloroplast is not entirely certain. Most likely, it is monophyletic in nature and obtained by secondary symbiosis from green algae (Gibbs, 1978(Gibbs, , 1981Morden et al., 1992 ; Delwiche & Palmer, 1997 Abbreviations : ML, maximum-likelihood ; MP, maximum-parsimony ; 16S rDNA, chloroplast SSU rDNA.The GenBank accession numbers for chloroplast SSU rDNA (16S rDNA) sequences reported in this papers are given in Methods.The genus Euglena consists of organisms highly diversified with respect to cell architecture. Species included within the genus represent almost entire morphological monad diversity encountered within green euglenoids. Such an immense variety provoked many authors to construct numerous intrageneric classifications. Klebs (1883), for example, described five ' types ' of Euglena (viridis, deses, oxyuris, spirogyra and acus) ; whereas Hansgirg (1892) -Felkner & Triemer, 1997 ;Linton et al., 1999Linton et al., , 2000Preisfeld et al., 2000 ; Thompson et al., 1995).We present here the phylogeny of 18 species of phototrophic euglenoids from the order Euglenales (Ne! meth, 1977 ;Shi et al., 1999), which are classified into several genera : Colacium Ehrenberg, Euglena Ehrenberg, Eutreptia Perty, Lepocinclis Perty, Phacus Dujardin, Strombomonas Deflandre and Trachelomonas Ehrenberg. We have conducted this work to investigate ...