Depth profiles of deuterium up to a depth of 10 lm have been measured using the D( 3 He,p) 4 He nuclear reaction in a resonance-like technique after exposure of sintered boron carbide, B 4 C, at elevated temperatures to a low energy (%200 eV/ D) and high ion flux (%10 21 m À2 s À1 ) D plasma. The proton yield was measured as a function of incident 3 He energy and the D depth profile was obtained by deconvolution of the measured proton yields using the program SIMNRA. D atoms diffuse into the bulk at temperatures above 553 K, and accumulate up to a maximum concentration of about 0.2 at.%. At high fluences (P10 24 D/m 2 ), the accumulation in the bulk plays a major role in the D retention. With increasing exposure temperature, the amount of D retained in B 4 C increases and exceeds a value of 2 · 10 21 D/m 2 at 923 K. The deuterium diffusivity in the sintered boron carbide is estimated to be D = 2.6 · 10 À6 exp{À(107 ± 10) kJ mol À1 /RT} m 2 s À1 .