In the wake of Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents, radiocesium has become a radionuclide of most environmental concern. The ease with which this radionuclide moves through the environment and is taken up by plants and animals is governed by its chemical forms and site-specific environmental characteristics. Distinctions in climate and geomorphology, as well as 137Cs speciation in the fallout, result in differences in the migration rates of 137Cs in the environment and rates of its natural attenuation. In Fukushima areas, 137Cs was strongly bound to soil and sediment particles, with its bioavailability being reduced as a result. Up to 80% of the deposited 137Cs on the soil was reported to be incorporated in hot glassy particles (CsMPs) insoluble in water. Disintegration of these particles in the environment is much slower than that of Chernobyl-derived fuel particles. The higher annual precipitation and steep slopes in Fukushima-contaminated areas are conducive to higher erosion and higher total radiocesium wash-off. Among the common features in the 137Cs behavior in Chernobyl and Fukushima are a slow decrease in the 137Cs activity concentration in small, closed, and semi-closed lakes and its particular seasonal variations: increase in the summer and decrease in the winter.