Giant stellar clumps are ubiquitous in high-redshift galaxies. 1,2 They are thought to play an important role in the build-up of galactic bulges 3 and as diagnostics of star formation feedback in galactic discs. M and linear sizes > ∼ 1 kpc. 5,6 Recently, gravitational lensing has also been used to get higher spatial resolution. [7][8][9] However, both recent lensed observations 10,11 and models 12,13 suggest that the clumps properties may be overestimated by the limited resolution of standard imaging techniques. A definitive proof of this observational bias is nevertheless still missing. Here we investigate 1 arXiv:1711.03977v1 [astro-ph.GA] 10 Nov 2017 directly the effect of resolution on clump properties by analysing multiple gravitationallylensed images of the same galaxy at different spatial resolutions, down to 30 pc. We show that the typical mass and size of giant clumps, generally observed at ∼1 kpc resolution in high-redshift galaxies, are systematically overestimated. The high spatial resolution data, only enabled by strong gravitational lensing using currently available facilities, support smaller scales of clump formation by fragmentation of the galactic gas disk via gravitational instabilities.The multiply imaged galaxy situated behind the central region of the cluster MACSJ1206.2-084747 14 (Figure 1a) is the perfect target for our experiment. Figure 1b shows two images of this galaxy: a strongly lensed one whose peculiar shape led us to name it the "Cosmic Snake", and a more regular and less amplified one (the "Counterimage"). For the source galaxy we have estimated, from spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting (see Methods), a total stellar mass M * ∼ 4×10 10 M , and total SFR∼ 30M yrThis places the galaxy on the main sequence of star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 1-2, providing a target with physical properties comparable to typical high redshift clumpy galaxies. 15,16 According to our tailored lensing model (see Methods) the Cosmic Snake is composed by four elongated and stretched images (Figure 1c) of the southern half of the source galaxy, imaged with magnifications covering a wide range from a few to hundreds times ( Figure 1d). In contrast, the Counterimage is located in a region of nearly constant amplification, with an average magnification of µ 4.5, and shows the entire source galaxy. These extremely different magnifications allow us to inspect features of the galaxy on very different intrinsic physical scales.Using high-quality data from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLA-SH; 17), we have identified clumps in the Cosmic Snake and the Counterimage starting from the rest-frame UV band (HST-WFC3 filter F390W). This filter shows clumps with a high 2 Figure 1 | Overview of the Cosmic Snake and the Counterimage. a, Portion of the HST field of view showing an RGB color composite image (R = F160W, G = F110W, B =F606W) of the cluster MACSJ1206.2-0847 including the giant arc (Cosmic Snake) and its Counterimage. b, Zoomed view of the Cosmic Snake (bottom) and the Counterimage(to...