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PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Army Public Health Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5403
SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Army Public Health Center-Provisional, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5403
DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. Abstract The Army Public Health Center-Provisional (APHC (Prov)) Injury Prevention Program (IPP), in support of the public health approach to prevention, develops and distributes communication products to stakeholders (e.g., Soldiers, medical providers) in order to educate them on leading injury causes, risk factors, and evidence-based risk-reduction strategies. Purpose: To apply a strategic communication framework, known as the P Process, to guide the development of the APHC (Prov) IPP's communication strategy targeting Army personnel. Methods: An adaptation of the P Process Step One (Analysis) was used to determine "gaps" in APHC (Prov) injury and physical activity-related communication product development. A list of injury and physical activity-related communication products was collected from the APHC (Prov) Resource Materials Library, APHC (Prov) Health Information Products e-Catalog, APHC (Prov) YouTube channel, and the Defense Video and Imagery Distribution System. Product topics were then compared to the Army's injury prevention priorities and a previously-conducted Injury Prevention Survey of Army personnel communication needs and preferences. Product types and audiences were also analyzed according to the Injury Prevention Survey results. Results: Over two thousand (n=2,233) existing health communication products were identified in searches of four sources. Of the 2,233 products identified, one hundred forty-seven (6.6%) were related to injury, injury prevention, and/or physical activity. Of these, sixtyseven (45.6%) of existing injury/physical activity-related materials matched a topic consistent with previously-identified communication ne...