1 G e r r it J. H id d in k , P h .D .,* '2 J o s e p h G. A. J. H a u t v a s t , M .D .,t C e e s M . J. v a n W o e r k u m , P h .D .,$ C a r e l J. F ie r e n , M.D., § a n d M a r t in A . v a n 't H o f , P h .D .ÎI Nutrition and Health, Zonnebaan 12D, 3606 CA Maarsaen, the Background. When determ inants of nutrition guid ance practices for primary care physicians (PCPs) are id en tified, the key q u estion rem ains: w hat is th e mechanism of action? This knowledge is essential in order to understand how PCPs practice n u trition guidance.
* Daily Foundation forMethods. Mail questionnaires (result of focus-group discussions and in-depth interview s) were sent to a nationwide random sample of 1,000 PCPs in the N eth erlands, who had been in practice for betw een 5 and 15
years (633 respondents). The m echanism of action o f determ inants of nutrition guidance practices of PCPs was identified by means of linear structural relation ship analysis (LISREL) using a postulated model.Results. The postulated model on the mechanism of action was confirmed. The model demonstrates that nutrition guidance practices of PCPs are directly and significantly based on a few predisposing factors; driv ing forces and perceived barriers may act as signifi cant intermediary variables. The predisposing factors, driving forces, and perceived barriers were identified.Conclusion. Policies to improve nutrition guidance practices of PCPs may, in the future, benefit from a LISREL model analysis of determ inants of these prac tices to become more effective. Using multiple regres sion analysis to ascertain the determ inants of these practices could result in m issing important predispos ing factors and "hidden" interm ediary factors and lead, therefore, to an incom plete understanding of the mechanism of action. © lf)97 A cad em ic P ro sa