Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most important crop in Mexico with a per capita consumption for 2019 of 106.34 kg (SAGARPA, 2019). Maize is mostly used as raw material to obtain maize nixtamalized flours but also because, with nixtamalized maize flours, masa and tortilla are produced. Tortilla is basic food and of higher consumption (about 7.4 million tons per year) in the Mexican population (CEDRSSA, 2014). Industrial production of nixtamalized flour is based on traditional nixtamalization, a thermo-alkaline process in which corn grains are cooked in an oversaturated calcium hydroxide solution (1%-5% w/w based on corn weight). Next, the corn is steeped from 8 to 24 hr and washed to remove excess of lime, pericarp and solids. Nixtamal (alkaline cooked corn, steeped and washed) is ground to obtain masa, which could be used to produce tortillas, tamales, atole, snacks (nachos), and instant corn flours (Valderrama-Bravo et al., 2010). Each unitary operation of the nixtamalization is decisive for obtaining the right quality product, depending on process conditions such as time and temperature. These parameters modify the physicochemical, nutritional, and rheological properties of masa and tortilla.During nixtamalization due to the thermo-alkaline process, there is a Van der Walls force interaction between starch and Ca ++ ions