Pantaneiro cattle (Bos taurus taurus) is a breed locally adapted to the Brazilian Pantanal. Local breeds are essential for the quality production of organic systems based on planned grazing practices, because of their results in resilient and productive ecosystems, enhancing biodiversity. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of Pantaneira primiparous cows, and systems with reduced use of concentrate, simulating organic production conditions. Five animals, with an average body weight of 396.2 ± 43.5 kg, were kept in individual continuous grazing regimes and supplemented with different concentrate levels (1.2%, 0.9%, 0.6%, 0.3%, and 0.0% of body weight). The animals were allocated at random in a 5 × 5 Latin square design repeated twice during the study time. The cows had a low dry matter and nutrient intake with a reduction in concentrate level, with improvement in neutral detergent fiber digestibility and a reduction in total nutrient digestibility. No changes were observed in plasma glucose levels or urea excretion, but the plasma urea nitrogen decreased with reductions in concentrate levels. There was a reduction in milk yield, but the energy-corrected milk was not affected by the reduction in concentrate levels; furthermore, the milk yield efficiency was not affected. The milk fat content improved with the reduction in concentrate levels. The Pantaneira breed has the genetic potential for the maintenance of competitive production and quality in organic systems.