Today, the "healthy worker effect" is understood as organized (on the part of the employer) and/or unorganized (self-selection on the part of the worker, due to the functional capabilities and the state of workers’ health) professional selection of healthier workers in unfavorable working conditions, who remain in the profession. It represents one of the most important problems in epidemiological research in occupational medicine. The “healthy worker effect” and its intensity in various industries (in various professions) can indirectly characterize the harmful and unfavorable conditions. The “healthy worker effect” and its intensity determine the need for medical and social security, as well as rehabilitation measures, not only for people who remain in this production (in this profession), but also for people who left this production or specialty, to prevent the phenomenon of increased mortality among workers who left a given production or profession due to suspension from work based on the results of periodic medical examinations and self-selection, or due to intolerance to working conditions because of the state of health.