[a] 1IntroductionThed evelopment of wearable sensors embedded into garments for monitoring exercise and improve sports performance is an increasinglyg rowing trend [1,2].I ndeed, the seamless integration of sensors intoc lothes presents many attractive features for the end-user, such ast he easy access to real-time personalizedd ata, portability and simplicity of operation [3,4].T he information generated by these sensors may yield significantb enefits,s uch as the improvement of the performance in athletes [ 5] and the minimization of the risks of injuries [6].H ence,t he generation of personalizedp hysiological data can provide valuable insights to enhance the experience and early detect and prevent health issues [7].F or this reason, different approaches to integrate smart microsensors (i.e. heart rate,e lectromyography,a ccelerometers,g yroscopes and magnetometers) into sport garments have been intensively pursued. Today,agrowing range of commercial products and applications are available [8,9].R esearch activities for the development of watches,w ristbands,a dhesive patchesa nd even epidermal tattoos are also being appliedt om onitor ab road range of movements and biometric parameters [10],s uch as cardiac respiratory or skeletal musclea ctivity." Wearability", i.e., the ability to withstand mechanical stress and embed these devices with minimal disruption for the user, is ak ey requirement. Thus,s ignificant efforts in material science [ 11,12] are currently being devoted to the development of stretchable and bendable electronics [13] that can serve as flexible substratesa nd adapt to different routines [14]. Remarkably,despite of all this progress,there is arelative lack of wearable sensors that can produce reliable (bio)-chemical information. Indeed, while wearable sensors for physicalp arameters (temperature,h eart rate,m ovement, etc.)h ave come al ong way,t he development of wearable sensors to producer elevant chemical and biochemical information has moved at asignificantly lower pace.Thed evelopment of aw ristbandg lucometer [15] more than ad ecade ago can be considered as one of the earliest wearablec hemical sensors that reached the market. Although this device presented severalp racticali ssues and had to be recalled from the market, it stressed the advantages of electrochemical sensing in the fieldo f wearable devices.E arly contributionsf rom Diamond et al.w ere also pioneersi nt his field, mostly by focusing on the improvement of the chemo-biosensing throughb ody sensing networks (BSN) [16][17][18].A lthough they were truly visionaries,t hese early works faced two major challenges.F irst, that at the time many of those earlyp latforms were proposed, most of the technology nowadays widely available (flexible substrates,m iniaturized lowpower consumption electronics,e tc.)w as not yet mature. Therefore,t hesep rototypes were not fully portable and adaptable for monitoring properties in real scenarios. Second, the difficulty for building consistentc hemical Abstract:T he use of commercial carb...