Introduction: The surgical procedure for myocardial revascularization (MRI) may compromise chest stability, compliance and range of motion (ROM) of the shoulder joint due to sternotomy and knee joint due to saphenectomy. Objective: To evaluate the impact of myocardial revascularization surgery on upper and lower limb ROM Methodology: This is a prospective cohort study, performed with a group of patients submitted to cardiac surgery. In the preoperative period the ROM was evaluated through a goniometer, for flexion, horizontal abduction and vertical abduction of the right and left shoulder, as well as evaluation of the flexo-extension movement of the right knee. On the day of discharge from the Intensive Care Unit, the patients were reassessed. Results:Twenty patients were evaluated during the time of the study. The majority were men 14 (70%), with a mean age of 60 ± 10 years. Regarding ROM, it was verified that all the movements presented a significant reduction in the postoperative period. The right shoulder flexion (75 ± 11ºvs66 ± 8º, p = 0, p <0.01), right shoulder abduction (155 ± 17º vs127 ± 22º, p < (P = 0.02), right vertical abduction (142 ± 24º vs117 ± 22º, p <0.01), left vertical abduction (142 ± 24º vs121 ± 22º, p = 0), left horizontal abduction (79 ± 9º vs70 ± 5º, p=0,02), Knee flexion (100 ± 14º vs75 ± 19º, p <0.01) and knee extension (94 ± 13º vs79 ± 15º, p <0.01). Conclusion: It can be concluded that the surgery promote reduction of the range of joint motion in this sample of patients submitted to myocardial revascularization.