Objectives: This study describes Zinc biofortification of wheat using a rhizospheric isolate, Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Psd.Methods: The strain was used as a bio-ionculant in soil deficient in zinc and the plant-growth promoting potential and biofortification was assessed using a number of physical and biochemical parameters. The enzymatic studies indicated towards the zinc supply mediated by the strain Result: This plant-growth-promoting strain, apart from the Zn accumulation potential, has the ability to solubilise Zn and was also able to leach out Zn from ore-tailings. The application of a Zn-laden biomass of the strain in soil resulted in increased growth and productivity of wheat crop as demonstrated by pot experiments. The beneficial effect was also reflected in increased activities of some enzymes. In addition, grain Zn 2+ content was enhanced by ~85% in comparison to wheat grown in Zn 2+ -deficient soil.