Eudes, F., Comeau, A., Rioux, S. and Collin, J. 2008. Trichothecene-mediated in vitro selection in wheat for reduced mycotoxin accumulation caused by Fusarium graminearum. Can. J. Plant Sci. 88: 1115Á1125. Trichothecene, a factor of aggressiveness of Fusarium graminearum in wheat fusarium head blight (FHB), was evaluated in an anther co-culture assay for the regeneration of doubled haploid (DH) lines with reduced mycotoxin accumulation. A Fusarium graminearum culture filtrate and a defined mixture of purified trichothecenes were compared with a control treatment in two F 1 -derived microspores populations. Frontana and Katepwa were the FHB resistant and intermediate resistant sources, respectively, and the cultivar Norseman was the FHB susceptible parent. A preliminary evaluation of the subpopulations of DH lines, using the point inoculation method in the greenhouse, showed selection effects for FHB resistance in the trichothecene co-cultured Frontana/Norseman subpopulation only. Three years of field evaluation using the spray inoculation method revealed that the DH subpopulation from the F 1 hybrid Frontana/Norseman co-culture in the presence of trichothecenes accumulated consistently less deoxynivalenol (DON) in the grain than the control subpopulation. The FHB symptoms were also significantly reduced for 1 yr (2001) in the same subpopulation. This subpopulation showed increased test weight, plant height and a 1.1-d delay in heading date when compared with the control subpopulation, under disease pressure. A trichothecene co-cultured DH subpopulation from Katepwa/Norseman also had a significantly lower DON content for 1 yr.Key words: Androgenesis, disease resistance, Gibberella zeae, mycotoxin, Triticum aestivum, wheat scab Eudes, F., Comeau, A., Rioux, S. et Collin, J. 2008. Se´lection in vitro avec des trichothe´ce`nes en vue d'une re´duction de la concentration de mycotoxine de Fusarium graminearum chez le ble´. Can. J. Plant Sci. 88: 1115Á1125. Les auteurs ont e´valueĺ es trichothe´ce`nes, facteur de l'agressivite´de Fusarium graminearum dans la fusariose de l'e´pi du ble´(FEB), lors d'une co-culture d'anthe`res en vue de la re´ge´ne´ration de ligne´es haploı¨des double´es (HD) qui accumuleraient moins de mycotoxines. Ils ont compare´un filtrat de Fusarium graminearum et un me´lange de´fini de trichothe´ce`nes purifie´es a`un traitement te´moin sur deux populations de microspores venant de la F 1 . Les varie´te´s Frontana et Katepwa e´taient les sources de re´sistance et de tole´rance a`la FEB, tandis que Norseman servait de parent sensible a`la maladie. Lorsqu'on utilise la me´thode d'inoculation ponctuelle en serre, l'e´valuation pre´liminaire des sous-populations DH re´ve`le que la se´lection pour la re´sistance a`la FEB n'affecte que la sous-population Frontana/Norseman cultive´e avec des trichothe´ce`nes. Trois anne´es d'e´valuation sur le terrain avec la technique d'inoculation par pulve´risation indiquent que la sous-population DH issue de la co-culture des hybrides de la F 1 Frontana/Norseman avec ...