Results are reported of realizing optically programrpable components of digital processors, a full adder, a spaoe switch-demultiplexer ba,sed on optically bistable vacuum-deposited semiconductor interferometers (interference filters). Examples me given of arranging coupling between elements and synthesis of loop circuits, RS flip-flop, relaxation generators (clocks). The possibility is shown of performing logical operations with the aid of interference filters in nano-and picosecond times. Besides thermal nonlinearity, nonlinearities of electronic nature are considered which are due to size effects in semiconductor microcrystalline films. un@ponbIx npoqeccopon, nomxoro cyMixaTopa, npocTpamTsemoro nepeKnIosaTenfi-AeMymTtmneKcopa, OwoBammx H a OnTmecKci 6ac~a6kfnb~b1x saxyyMHo Hanmnemmx nonynpoBomnKosbIx nmep@epoMeTpax (~m e p @ e p e~u m o~~b r x amwrpax). ITPEIBOEJITCR qeneZt, RS-TpHrrepoB, p e n a~c a q~o m x reHeparopon. IIoxaaa~a B O~M O X H O C T~ B~IIIOmmmfi norwiecwix onepaqnt c noMoubm amep@epeHqHoHmx @mbTpoB 3 1 speMeHa Coo61qam~cfi pe3yJIbTaTbI MOReJIApOBaHIlR OIITA9eCKH IlpOrpaMMHpyeMbIX 3JIeMeHTOB IIpEIMf?pbI OpraHK3aqHH CBHBH Memay OTAeJfbHbIMkI 3JIeMeHTaMH H CHHTe3a IIeTjIeBM HBHO-EI IIHKOCeKYHAHOrO HHaIIa3OHa AJlHTeJIbHOCTeB. f l P H 3TOM KpOMe TenJIOBOfi HeJIHHe$h€OCTH PaCCMaTpHBaIoTCR HeJIHHefiHOCTM 3JIe.KTPOHHOfi IIpElpODbI, CBJ33aHHbIe C pa3MepHbXMki 3@@eKTaMEI B nOJIYnpOBOJIHElKOB0~ MHKpOKPHCTaJIJIH9eCKOfi IIJIeHKe.