Dynamic stress analysis (DSA) was performed on Pt cantilever electrodes immersed in 0.1 mol/L HClO 4 electrolyte. DSA combines elements of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cantilever curvature. In this paper DSA is used to determine the relationship between surface stress f and charge density q for (111)-textured Pt as a function of steady state potential. The parameter of merit is the stress-charge coefficient, ξ, a complex number, which is obtained from the product of the electrochemical impedance Z e and the stress admittance Y s . The magnitude and sign of ξ r , the real component of ξ, quantifies how the surface responds to changes in charge density. Three regions of stress-charge behavior have been identified at potentials bound by hydrogen adsorption and platinum oxide formation. In the hydrogen adsorption region, stress and charge are in phase, resulting in a positive value of ξ r . In the double layer region the surface stress and the charge density are 180 • out of phase, yielding a negative value of ξ r . The actual potential at which this phase angle transition occurs may vary by as much as 0.3 V, depending on electrode history. At more positive potential ξ r remains negative in the early oxide region, where the reversible adsorption of O occurs. Only at more positive potential, where place exchange between Pt and O occurs and the surface layer of PtO becomes fully formed, does ξ r transition back to a positive value. The experimental methods described in this work provide a means to probe the dynamic behavior of surface stress.The electrochemical community often uses in situ wafer curvature and cantilever bending techniques to examine stress development during electrochemical processing. For example, these techniques have been used to examine and quantify surface stress induced by surface charge (electrocapillarity) 1-4 and adsorption processes 5-8 as well as growth stress associated with underpotential deposition (UPD) 1,9-20 and electrodeposition. 21-32 In many cases the electrochemistry involves multiple processes that occur either simultaneously or in rapid succession so that a steady state stress measurement will simply reflect the influence of the dominant process in the time-scale of the experiment. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is often used to separate processes with different characteristic time constants. A sinusoidal voltage (typically of the order of a few mV) is applied to an electrochemical system and the current response is measured. The frequency of the applied voltage is varied so that different processes can be singled out at specific frequencies. Dynamic stress analysis (DSA) is analogous to EIS, however in addition to the current, the cantilever's curvature is also measured as a function of frequency. 33 This method is somewhat similar to those that have utilized a piezoelectric ceramic element to quantify the piezo-response of electrodes to voltage stimulation. [34][35][36] The aim of DSA is to study the dynamics of any particular stress-generating...