Dairy operations generate large quantities of effluent, which are stored in constructed lagoons. Lagoons, however, have finite storage capacity and can overflow, potentially polluting land and associated water bodies. Alternative uses of effluent are, therefore, needed for a more sustainable and environment-friendly dairy production. This study assesses the effects of effluent irrigation on the retention, accumulation, and movement of phosphorus. Four grassesVBana (Pennisetum purpureum K. Schumach.), California (Brachiaria mutica [Forssk.] Stapf.), Star (Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst), and Suerte (Paspalum atratum Swallen)Vwere subsurface (20Y25 cm) drip irrigated with effluent at two rates based on potential evapotranspiration (ET p ) at the site (Waianae, HI)V2.0 ET p (16 mm d j1 in winter; 23 mm d j1 in summer) and 0.5 ET p (5 mm d j1 in winter; 6 mm d j1 in summer). Treatments were arranged in an augmented completely randomized design. Most of these grasses produced large amounts of dry matter with effluent irrigation. California grass receiving the 2.0 ET p effluent application outyielded all other grass species, producing 60 Mg ha j1 year j1 . Olsen soil phosphorus (P) and soil solution P did not significantly increase despite daily irrigation for at least 2 years and when irrigated at 2.0 ET p . A relatively small amount of P was measured at deeper soil depths at the 2.0 ET p irrigation rate (131 kg ha j1 year j1 ). Calcium-phosphate precipitation was predicted by calculated phosphate potentials. Acid-extractable soil P increased, supporting the hypothesis of Ca-P precipitation.