It has been suggested that during wound healing microtextured surfaces can alter events at the interface be tween implant surface surface and surrounding tissues. To investigate this phenomenon, smooth and microtextured silicone rubber implants were implanted subcutaneously in rabbits for 3, 7, 42, and 84 days. The textured implants pos sessed parallel surface microgrooves and ridges with a width of 2.0, 5.0, and 10.0 \x.m. All gi'ooves had a depth of approximately 0.5 jxm. SEM observation showed fibroblasts, erythrocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, fibrin, and colla gen on all implant surfaces after 3 and 7 days. After 42 and 84 days only little collagen, a small number of fibroblasts, but no inflammatory cells were seen on the implant surfaces. The fibroblasts were not oriented along the surface grooves on all textured surfaces. Three-dimensional reconstruction of CLSM images and LM images showed no significant dif ferences between the thickness of the capsules surrounding the smooth and those surrounding the microgrooved im plants. In contrast, LM did show a significantly lower num ber of inflammatory cells and a significantly higher number of blood vessels in the capsules surrounding the micro grooved implants. Differences between the 2,0, 5,0, and 10.0 jxm grooved implants were not detected. Our results con cerning the capsule thickness suggest that the depth of our grooves was not sufficient to facilitate mechanical interlock ing, but the cause for the observed differences in inflamma tory response and number of blood vessels remains unclear. IN T R O D U C T IO N The interaction between an implant material and the surrounding tissues can be considered vital for the final clinical performance of implanted artificial medi cal devices. For example, the promotion of tissue at tachment and the concomitant reduction of the highly undesirable chronic inflammatory response and fibro sis around implant materials are of central importance for the biocompatibility of biomaterials.1 Since various surface properties2 of an implant material determine the biocompatibility of these materials, surface modi fications based on the most recent technologies are being explored in search of the ideal implant surface.3 This study will focus on one of these modifications, i.e. implant surface texturing on a micrometer scale. Earlier studies have shown that microgeometrical