Prof. Eduard Y. Chekmenev received his PhD in Physical Chemistry (supervisor Prof. Richard J. Wittebort) in 2003 at the University of Louisville, KY (USA). He conducted postdoctoral research at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, FL (with Prof. Timothy Cross), Caltech (Prof. Daniel P. Weitekamp) and HMRI in Pasadena, CA (USA) (with Dr.B rian D. Ross). In 2009, Dr.C hekmenev started his hyperpolarization program at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) and he was tenured in 2015. In 2018, he moved to Wayne State University (Detroit, MI) to continue his research on MR hyperpolarization.Figure 1. Thermal equilibrium polarizationp roduces asmall excess of spins in one state. When the sample undergoes hyperpolarization, alarge excess of spins exists in one state producingaconsiderably stronger signal since more spins contribute.