2.7 The CHj, carbon, and the carbon subtracted CtU spectra for 300 MeV incident n" beam 68 o _ o 2.8 The measured it spectrum for the Jl p->rt n at 300 MeV. The solid line represents the result of the Monte-Carlo calculations 69 o _ o 2.9 The measured JI spectrum for the n p-*n n at 425 MeV. The sol'* line represents the result of the Monte-Carlo calculations 70 o _ o 2.10 The measured n spectrum for the Jl p-»n n at 500 MeV. The solid line represents the result of the Monte-Carlo calculations 71 o o 2.11 The measured n spectrum for the it~p-»n n at 550 MeV. The solid line represents the result of the Monte-Carlo calculations 72 o 2.12 The acceptance of the n spectrometer vs. energy. The solid, chaindash, and dotted lines represent the acceptance at the first, second, and third angle bins, respectively. The mean scattering angle for each bin is given in table 2.4 2.13 The spectrometer efficiency for the first angle bin as defined by equation 2.18, vs. pion kinetic energy 2.14 The spectrometer efficiency vs. angle for 300 MeV (solid rectangular), 425 MeV (open circle), and 500 MeV (closed circle) pions 2.15 The deduced conversion efficiency of the glass elements vs. photon energy. The solid line represents the results obtained from equation 2.22 XI 3.12 Uncertainties involved in the IAS cross section measurements at 425 MeV for 90 Zr to 208 Pb 135 3.13 Uncertainties involved in the IAS cross section measurements at 500 MeV 136 3.14 Uncertainties involved in the IAS cross section measurements at 550 MeV 137 4.1 The values of g and a obtained from the fits of the expression g(N-Z)A~a to the 0° cross sections obtained in the experiment and the Glauber model 4.2 Parameters for the transition densities