Summary: During recent years, it has been recognized that sub-optimum vitamin D-status, often defined as decrease of PTH concentrations in response to supplementation of vitamin D, is a very widespread finding with potential health effects on a population level. As a consequence, there is a con tinuously increasing interest in the laboratory-based asses sment of the vitamin D status, with 25-hydroxyvitamin D as the most widely used analyte. However, there is a number of challenges in the characterization of the individual vitamin D status that are addressed in this article; they in clude analytical issues of 25-hydroxyvitamin D measurement; interpretation of results; development of guidelines for rational indication for laboratory testing; and evaluation of the role of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the context of complementary markers of the vitamin D status.
Keywords: vitamin D, hypovitaminosis D, reference ranges, analyticsKratak sadr`aj: Poslednjih godina je prime}eno da je suboptimalni status vitamina D, koji se ~esto defini{e smanjenjem koncentracije PTH kao odgovor na suplementaciju vitaminom D, veoma rasprostranjeno stanje sa potencijalnim efektima na zdravlje populacije. Kao posledica, interes za laboratorijsko odre|ivanje statusa vitamina D kontinuirano raste, gde se kao analit naj~e{}e koristi 25-hidroksivitamin D. Me|utim, postoji veliki broj izazova u karakterizaciji statusa vitamina D o kojima se govori u ovom radu; oni uklju~uju analiti~ke probleme u odre|ivanju 25-hidroksivitamina D; interpretaciju rezultata; definisanje preporuka za racionalnu indikaciju za laboratorijsko odre|ivanje; i procenu uloge 25-hidroksivitamina D u kontekstu komplementarnih markera statusa vitamina D.Klju~ne re~i: vitamin D, hipovitaminoza D, referentne vrednosti, analitika disorder in the first half of the last century was a major and very impressive success of scientifically based medicine. However, following the eradication of severe rickets due to widespread supplementation of vitamin D during the first year of live, the vitamin D system drew little attention in medicine during the subsequent decades. This was changed in 1980s when the measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and PTH as valid and convenient markers of the vitamin D status became routinely available by ligand binding tests. It became evident that poor vitamin D status, described as lowering of PTH levels following the administration of vitamin D, is very common in many populations worldwide at least in the wintertime. Furthermore, there has been a growing evidence that vitamin D is of relevance in many physiological and potentially pathophysiological systems beyond calcium and phosphate homeostasis, leading to the concept of noncalcemic or even pleiotropic effects of