present a coarse-grained (CG) molecular dynamics (MD) simulation
study of polymer nanocomposites
(PNCs) containing nanorods with homogeneous and patchy surface chemistry/functionalization,
modeled with isotropic and directional nanorod–nanorod attraction,
respectively. We show how the PNC morphology is impacted by the nanorod
design (i.e., aspect ratio, homogeneous or patchy surface chemistry/functionalization)
for nanorods with a diameter equal to the Kuhn length of the polymer
in the matrix. For PNCs with 10 vol % nanorods that have an aspect
ratio ≤5, we observe percolated morphology with directional
nanorod–nanorod attraction and phase-separated (i.e., nanorod
aggregation) morphology with isotropic nanorod–nanorod attraction.
In contrast, for nanorods with higher aspect ratios, both types of
attractions result in aggregated nanorods morphology due to the dominance
of entropic driving forces that cause long nanorods to form orientationally
ordered aggregates. For most PNCs with isotropic or directional nanorod–nanorod
attractions, the average matrix polymer conformation is not perturbed
by the inclusion of up to 20 vol % nanorods. The polymer chains in
contact with nanorods (i.e., interfacial chains) are on average extended
and statistically different from the conformations the matrix chains
adopt in the pure melt state (with no nanorods); in contrast, the
polymer chains far from nanorods (i.e., bulk chains) adopt the same
conformations as the matrix chains adopt in the pure melt state. We
also study the effect of other parameters, such as attraction strength,
nanorod volume fraction, and matrix chain length, for PNCs with isotropic
or directional nanorod–nanorod attractions. Collectively, our
results provide valuable design rules to achieve specific PNC morphologies
(i.e., dispersed, aggregated, percolated, and orientationally aligned
nanorods) for various potential applications.