In 1988, Vazirani gave an NC algorithm for computing the number of perfect matchings in K 3,3 -minor-free graphs by building on Kasteleyn's scheme for planar graphs, and stated that this "opens up the possibility of obtaining an NC algorithm for finding a perfect matching in K 3,3 -free graphs." In this paper, we finally settle this 30-year-old open problem. Building on the recent breakthrough result of Anari and Vazirani giving an NC algorithm for finding a perfect matching in planar graphs and graphs of bounded genus, we also obtain NC algorithms for any minor-closed graph family that forbids a one-crossing graph. The class contains several well-studied graph families including the K 3,3 -minor-free graphs and K 5 -minor-free graphs. Graphs in these classes not only have unbounded genus, but also can have genus as high as O(n). In particular, we obtain NC algorithms for:• Determining whether a one-crossing-minor-free graph has a perfect matching and if so, finding one.• Finding a minimum weight perfect matching in a one-crossing-minor-free graph, assuming that the edge weights are polynomially bounded.• Finding a maximum st-flow in a one-crossing-minor-free flow network, with arbitrary capacities.The main new idea enabling our results is the definition and use of matching-mimicking networks, small replacement networks that behave the same, with respect to matching problems involving a fixed set of terminals, as the larger network they replace.The K 3,3 -minor-free graphs are particularly attractive as a target for this problem because they form a natural extreme case for certain approaches. In particular, they are known to have Pfaffian orientations, by which their matchings can be counted using matrix determinants [22,25], while for K 3,3 itself and for any minor-free family that does not forbid it, this tool is unavailable. However, our result breaks through this barrier: we give an NC algorithm for finding a perfect matching in graphs belonging to any one-crossing-minor-free class of graphs. That is, if H is any graph that can be drawn in the plane with only one crossing pair of edges, then we can find perfect matchings in the H-minor-free graphs in NC. Because K 3,3 can be drawn with one crossing, our result includes in particular the K 3,3 -minor-free graphs. More generally, we can find in NC a perfect matching of minimum weight, in the same families of graphs, when the weights are polynomially-bounded integers.In another direction, we obtain an NC algorithm for finding a maximum st-flow in any flow network whose underlying undirected graph belongs to a one-crossing-minor-free family. This generalizes Johnson's 1987 result [19], showing that maximum st-flow in a planar network is in NC.
Technical ideasOur main new technical idea is that of a matching-mimicking network. Given a graph G and a set T of terminal vertices, a matching-mimicking network is a graph G , containing T , that has the same pattern of matchings: every matching of G that covers G \ T corresponds to a matching of G that covers G \ T and v...