The CMS Tracker will be completely exchanged in the so called Phase-II upgrade. To preserve and enhance its performance in the High-Luminosity LHC phase, the new tracker will need to cope with very high radiation levels, track densities and pile-ups. In addition, it needs to provide input for the level-1 trigger. In this paper we present the baseline design of the new tracker, with a special emphasis on the two detector module concepts for the outer tracker, the 2S and PS module. The CMS Tracker collaboration designed and procured sensor prototypes from several vendors. These productions are intended for evaluating the production quality of the manufacturers, for providing functional sensors for module prototypes and for concluding the survey towards a suitable silicon base material and sensor design. Here we provide first results of the PS-p macro-pixel-light sensor and of full-scale strip sensor prototypes for the 2S module concept, both on 6-and 8-inch wafers.
AbstractThe CMS Tracker will be completely exchanged in the so called Phase-II upgrade. To preserve and enhance its performance in the High-Luminosity LHC phase, the new tracker will need to cope with very high radiation levels, track densities and pile-ups. In addition, it needs to provide input for the level-1 trigger.In this paper we present the baseline design of the new tracker, with a special emphasis on the two detector module concepts for the outer tracker, the 2S and PS module. The CMS Tracker collaboration designed and procured sensor prototypes from several vendors. These productions are intended for evaluating the production quality of the manufacturers, for providing functional sensors for module prototypes and for concluding the survey towards a suitable silicon base material and sensor design. Here we provide first results of the macro-pixel-light sensor for the PS module and of full-scale strip sensor prototypes for the 2S module concept, both on 6-and 8-inch wafers.