Dedico meu trabalho à toda a minha família, em especial ao meu pai Dalton Moretti Gerbasi e à minha mãe Silvia Helena Brendolan Gerbasi, que me educaram nos mais valiosos aspectos da vida e além de pais, são meus grandes amigos e conselheiros.À minha irmã, Tábata Gerbasi por estar sempre ao meu lado sendo minha eterna "professora".À minha avó Otilia Pelicano Brendolan por ser a maior entusiasta de todas as minhas atividades e confiar na minha competência.Ao meu namorado Diego Furlan, por me incentivar e acreditar em tudo que faço e ser um grande exemplo profissional e principalmente pessoal para mim, sendo sempre um companheiro perfeito.Ao meu parceiro e grande amigo Rafael Kalaki, que desde o início, não só dividiu comigo as tarefas acadêmicas, mas também auxiliou e se mostrou disponível em todas as ocasiões. Since states can be characterized as a "union", with specific characteristics and well defined competitors, their direction and actions must be taken together, being justified jointly actions for organization of their agribusiness systems through a proper planning. This paper seeks to answer the following question: Within its specifics, is it possible to manage strategically the agribusiness systems of a state? What can be the method for it? To do so, the study makes use of a qualitative exploratory study that analyzes a multiple case study where the method proposed by Neves GESis (2008), with some adaptations, was applied in five chains in the state of Goiás. The study cases used in-depth interviews with representatives of the studied chains and, after finalized, were conducted interviews with the ones who participated in the plan development and implementation in the state. As a result, it was proposed a method of strategic management for productive chains in states that has 13 steps. The study identified that there is a large gap in the Brazilian agricultural sector when it comes to collective action and the successful implementation of the method is highly dependent on the target sector joint actions.